Value of ESG Implementation: Mitigating Risks & Creating Opportunities

Globally, there is an increase in organizations and investors using environmental social and governance (ESG) criteria to mitigate risk and create opportunities. Many stakeholders are calling for this change, and Indonesian businesses, both small and large, are well positioned to benefit from uptake of ESG methods.

CRMS and Cardno are running a two-hour webinar entitled ‘Values of ESG Implementation: Mitigating Risks & Creating Opportunities’ which will provide a high-level introduction to ESG, with a specific look at the Indonesian context. This session will explore the foundational components of ESG; delve into company case studies of ESG in practice, presented by leaders in this field; and provide a snapshot of relevant tools and approaches to advance ESG within participant’s organizational contexts.

21 September 2020, LIVE

09.00 – 11.00 Western Indonesia Time

Online (Zoom)


For further Information, kindly contact us through:

Logo Jasindo Bangun Insani

P : (+62-22) 8730 1035
M : (+62) 812 2220 0775
F : (+62-22) 751 3219
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